Placemaking is a community-centered approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. The CWNA Placemaking Committee works to increase and improve our parks, streets and public art. A number of the CWNA's placemaking goals are in alliance with the City's North Downtown Yonge Urban Design Guidelines and Downtown Parks and Public Realm Plan.
The CWNA Placemaking Committee has three main priorities:
The Lane Naming Project One of the CWNA's placemaking projects is to identify and name previously nameless alleys in the neighourhood. So far eleven lanes have been named. |
Members of the Placemaking Committee take care of several gardens in the public realm of our neighbourhood. One of our ongoing projects is caring for the Wellesley Street planters. Check out the Church Wellesley Interactive Map to learn about plans to improve existing parks and add future parkland to our neighbourhood. Pictured on the left - our grand re-opening of our linear parks (December 13, 2024) & new Church Wellesley street sign unveiling (November 19, 2024) & an one of our suggestions to TDSB for lighting effects on their lighted fence. |
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Animals, Insects and Pests
Report a dog off leash, an animal attack, sick animal or request pick-up of a dead animal. Report pest or insect infestation on a City tree, private or public property.
Bylaw Violations and Property Issues
Report bylaw infractions such as noise complaints, private and City property issues, waste, litter and illegal dumping and infractions in City parks.
Graffiti Removal
Report graffiti on private property or request removal of graffiti in a City property.
Roads, Sidewalks, Bicycle & Traffic Safety
Report issues and safety concerns such as damaged roads, bridges and sidewalks, pedestrian and cycling issues and concerns, traffic light/signal and sign repairs, parking or loading zones requests.
Snow Clearing and Winter Maintenance
Report icy conditions, plow damage, illegal snow dumping and snow clearing or removal.
Report spills (including illegal dumping of liquids) onto the roadway, road allowance or into waterways or the sewer system.
Trees, Grass, Leaves and Weeds
Request maintenance of tree, grass, leaves such as pruning, branch clean up after a storm, grass cutting, tree pests, report unauthorized tree injury or request removal of unhealthy trees.
Waste Collection, Bins, Litter and Needle Cleanup
Report a missed collection or request household hazardous waste pick-up. Submit a request for blue, green or garbage bin issue. Report waste bin overflow or damage in a park, on a street or litter on a sidewalk. Request needle cleanup from City roadways.
Water and Sewers
Report no water, a water main break, sewer backup, blocked sewer or flooded basement. Request maintenance of a water metre and fire hydrant. Request a water test, water turn on/off.
Report a dog off leash, an animal attack, sick animal or request pick-up of a dead animal. Report pest or insect infestation on a City tree, private or public property.
Bylaw Violations and Property Issues
Report bylaw infractions such as noise complaints, private and City property issues, waste, litter and illegal dumping and infractions in City parks.
Graffiti Removal
Report graffiti on private property or request removal of graffiti in a City property.
Roads, Sidewalks, Bicycle & Traffic Safety
Report issues and safety concerns such as damaged roads, bridges and sidewalks, pedestrian and cycling issues and concerns, traffic light/signal and sign repairs, parking or loading zones requests.
Snow Clearing and Winter Maintenance
Report icy conditions, plow damage, illegal snow dumping and snow clearing or removal.
Report spills (including illegal dumping of liquids) onto the roadway, road allowance or into waterways or the sewer system.
Trees, Grass, Leaves and Weeds
Request maintenance of tree, grass, leaves such as pruning, branch clean up after a storm, grass cutting, tree pests, report unauthorized tree injury or request removal of unhealthy trees.
Waste Collection, Bins, Litter and Needle Cleanup
Report a missed collection or request household hazardous waste pick-up. Submit a request for blue, green or garbage bin issue. Report waste bin overflow or damage in a park, on a street or litter on a sidewalk. Request needle cleanup from City roadways.
Water and Sewers
Report no water, a water main break, sewer backup, blocked sewer or flooded basement. Request maintenance of a water metre and fire hydrant. Request a water test, water turn on/off.