Church Wellesley Update
News from the Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association
CWNA's lane naming project continues, adding character and history to previously anonymous alleys. Dapper Lane at 66 Wellesley E. - The intersection of Church and Wellesley is a hub for barbers whose skills are well known throughout the city. For decades barbers have practiced their trade here, ensuring decades of loyal customers. What better way to recognize their talent and dedication than with a lane named in their honour. Anvil Alley at 511 Church St. celebrates the long tradition of small businesses in the Village. Dudley's Hardware, founded in 1934, continues to provide an invaluable service to the community. Dudley's exemplifies the positive attitude and commitment of small business owners in our Village. Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam officiated the naming ceremony on January 24.
After the unveiling of the new signs, Dudley's Hardware hosted a community social. There are many reasons the CWNA has been proactive in getting alleys in our neighbourhood named. The Laneway Project, a Toronto not-for-profit dedicated to improving and activating laneways, summarizes them as: Safety and Security - A laneway with a name helps police, fire and paramedic services find it in the event of an emergency; Commemorating History - Naming a laneway after a noteworthy person, place, event, etc. is encouraged under Toronto’s street naming policy, and it helps preserve history; Placemaking - Naming a laneway gives the lane an identity, and creates a sense of place, which also serves to invite more pedestrian traffic, making it safer; Community Building - The collaborative process of naming a laneway helps build community connections, good will, and a feeling of neighbourhood pride; Laneway Improvements - A laneway with a name opens the door to further laneway improvements, such as beautification and community events. Since its founding in 2010, the CWNA has taken the lead in naming ten lanes in our neighbourhood. The next one, located just east of Church, running south from Isabella. Comments are closed.